The annual potluck picnic of 2015 is approaching and scheduled for June 11, 2015, hosted at the Etobicoke Yacht Club.
For help and directions getting there please check out this link.
Notes about the potluck:
a. Bring a sweater or a jacket for later in the evening as it sometimes gets chilly along the water.
b. Family, pets are more than welcome. There is a small play structure for kids at the picnic area
c. Wine/Beer is allowed.
d. Start time is 6:30. Please arrive early around 6:00 if you are bringing BBQ items.
e. Washrooms are located in the clubhouse near to the picnic area.
f. Picnic runs rain or shine.
g. If you bug Dave enough, he will show you his Boat.
h. Gulzar will take a group photo after dinner.

On Humber Bay Park Road W, travel to the club situated near the end of the road. You will pass the Mimico Yacht club on your right. Don't go into this one.
Continue on the road until you get to the main gates of the Etobicoke Yacht club. It will be on your right also.
If the gate is closed, buzz the attendant with the intercom. Indicate you are there for Dave Danbrook's party.
When you enter the gate, parking is on immediately on your left. The BBQ area is to the left of the club house building.
If the parking area is full, you can also park in the area in front of the main gate.
Note that the picnic will go as planned rain or shine. There is a large covered area in case it is raining.
This picnic is always a lot of fun. There will be photo opportunities, speeches from our outgoing and incoming president, plus lots of good food and drinks.
Come check out and enjoy the GYTM annual potluck picnic of 2015.